Personal Coaching for Purpose-Driven Professionals

Access your unique purpose,

lead for life in these transformative times.


Personal Coaching

"Thanks to Majka’s coaching I have learned to position myself in the mental and emotional place from where I can change my life and the world around me."
Coaching testimonial for Majka Baur by Valentina
Valentina R.
Social entrepreneur and book writer
"Majka excels at helping people become aware of their potential. I heartily recommend Majka’s coaching to every entrepreneurs, change and impact makers! "
Testimonial coaching Majka Baur by Soline Bonnel
Soline Bonnel
Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Social Entrepreneur
"I was impressed by Majka’s approach, very thoughtful, human and pragmatic. I recommend Majka to everybody willing to make a leap forward in their life. "
Sane Lebrun
Senior Marketing Consultant, Freelancer

You sense that there is more in you and in life

You are aware of the closing time window we have to globally transform our society into a life-sustain one and sometimes feel hopeless and wonder where is it worth to put your energy in?

You are driven and know how to overcome challenges, but when you finally achieve your objectives, you are not fully satisfied?

Stop postponing

You are tired of struggling with money and having to choose between doing something purposeful and feeling financially safe?

You do a lot for others and for the World, but at times it’s just too much, and you feel exhausted, demotivated and unfocussed?

You have the impression that your life is determined by others, while you long for a path that feels truly authentic and meaningful to you?

You long to explore and live your potential

Who you really are, your gifts and powers. Feel self-confident and trustful.

Accepting, loving yourself. Feel healed from wounds and live with an open hearth.

Guided by purpose & meaning
Clearly know what is worth to stand up for and what provides you a sense of purpose.

Become who you were born to be…

Stepping into action
Have clear intentions, goals, next steps, and a way to move forwards that feels good to you.

Active and balanced
Do well while feeling well. You care for yourself and share your abundance with others.

Financial abundance
You have a model to finance your life through which you feel safe and fulfilled.

Embark in the journey of becoming your authentic self with an experienced coach walking the talk

Coaching is not mentoring nor consulting. As a coach I support you in the process of facing the questions that truly matter to you, untangle them, gain new perspectives and define your concrete next steps. Thanks to different coaching methods and experiences, I help you to integrate your Knowing of the heart, mind, body and spirit, so that you can fully stand for who you are and what you care about.

You already know what is best for you, together we bring it back to light.

My practice is based on a systemic-integrative coaching training (from Biniasz&Partner and certified by the European Coaching Association), teachings from old traditions, and my life experiences gathered as an environmental scientist turned into a free-bird social entrepreneur. You find more about me here.

Coaching sessions take place online as well as in person, mostly in Berlin or somewhere in the Swiss mountains. I work in English, German, French and Italian. The coaching fees are jointly defined based on your needs and financial capacities.

I’m looking forward to talking with you.

Choose the format and place that fits you best

Online Coaching

The classic-corona friendly format: with zoom or on a call, you take time, wherever you are, for yourself and what moves you. 

Live Coaching

Join me in Berlin in the warmth of my home. We talk and move in the room so that you can embody your questions and step into new paths.

Walking Coaching

From 1.5 hours to a full deep dive-day. Walking-coaching is a great way to, in the flow of our steps and inspired by nature, bring air and movement into situations. 

Sane Lebrun
Testimonial coaching Majka Baur by Soline Bonnel

" I was impressed by Majka's approach, very thoughtful, human and pragmatic. Her coaching allowed me to unlock some obstacles in various areas of my life, wether professional or personal. I would recommend Majka to anybody willing to make a leap forward in their life in a short amount of time. "

Sane Lebrun


Soline Bonnel
Testimonial coaching Majka Baur by Soline Bonnel

" Majka excels at helping people become aware of their potential. I heartily recommend Majka's coaching to every entrepreneur, change and impact maker! "

Soline Bonnel


Eva Keller
Testimonial coaching Majka Baur by Soline Bonnel

" Die Gespräche mit Majka haben mir geholfen, meine Ideen, Gefühle, Erfahrungen und Visionen zu sortieren und in ein harmonisches Gesamtbild zu setzen. Durch ihre einfühlsame und feine Art schafft es Majka, Personen mit unterschiedlichen Charakter abzuholen, auf sie einzugehen und sie individuell zu unterstützen. Majka hat mich mit ihrer motivierenden und energiespenden Art inspiriert und ermutigt, Dinge anzupacken. "

Eva Keller


Valentina R
Coaching testimonial for Majka Baur by Valentina

" The most valuable thing I have learned with Majka’s coaching is to position myself in the mental and emotional place from where I can change my life and the world around me. "

Valentina R.


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