Are you always “on”?Are you burning out?

Burnout prevention coaching
- The tasks on your to do list keep growing much faster than what you manage to cross off?
- You feel like you are always behind what you should achieve, even if you work hard?
- The things you have to do are like burdens on your shoulders, F**king heavy burdens!
- You are constantly under pressure, feel stressed, irritable, are very critical and cannot turn off your brain?
- You are rushing from one thing to the next and, when it’s time, cannot fully relax and enjoy life?
- Do you feel overwhelmed by your present work-life situation, but don’t know how to get out of the “hamster wheel”?
Do you recognise yourself in some of the sentences above? Changing the context you are in is not enough to get out of the pattern you are in. A deeper “rewiring” of your priorities, boundaries and way of taking decisions is needed.

Come back to your inner compass in 4 phases

These methods are in my toolkit
- systemic-integrative coaching (different type of questions, neurolinguistic programming (NLP) exercises, goal setting, belief work, visioning, etc.)
- authentic relating communication practice (deep listening, sharing impact, being present, different levels of communication)
- nature based exercises (threshold walks, nature place, dialogues with nature, etc.)
- self-designed ceremony (I support you to enact in your own way processes of letting go of ideas, habits, roles, identities; marking your present standpoint; embracing the not-knowing)
- deep ecology (grief and gratitude work based on the Work that Reconnects initated by Joahanna Macy)
I use the four shields model of a balanced personal development in my coaching work, when applying it to burnout prevention it may lead us through these steps:
1 . Checking the heat
Are you burning up or already burned out? You share your story, challenges and wishes and objectives, so that we get a common stand point. (You can take this free online test to check your stress level.)
2. Reducing & slowing down
We look together at what clutters up your day, so that you can slow down and breathe again. (We are not human doings, but human BEings!)
3. Coming back into the body
You shake off the body, learn strategies to come back from being mainly in the mind to inhabiting your body and relating to your emotions and thoughts in the present moment.
4. Gratitude and grief
As your ability to feel and sense returns, we work with your beliefs so that you can sort those which do not serve you anymore and build new ones that enable you to mark and respect your boundaries.
The process can be seen as a loop, we go through many times in different forms during our life.
Why working with me?
I have several years of experience in accompanying people as they navigate through complex processes, and have personal experience with overstepping my limits, like I did when leading the startup I co-founded. I almost burned out twice. I also trained as a systemic-integrative coach and wilderness rite of passage guide. These schools give me access to effective coaching methods, as well as to traditional nature based wisdom on human development.
I don’t see “problems that need to be fixed” in the people with whom I work, but notice how they have a lifeforce, a potential, that is creating pressure as it’s getting ready to be expressed and flow naturally. I help to find out how to break through the dam and let the river of one’s life flow freely.
During coaching sessions I bring my full presence and based on what emerges during the process I offer different exercices, methods and theories.

How do I work? - Coaching Online and in Berlin

Online video coaching
- 1 trial session à 60 minutes for 80 EUR
- 6 sessions package à 60 minutes for 450 EUR
In person in Berlin
Walking in the park or indoors coaching:
- 1 trial session à 60 minutes for 80 EUR or 90 minutes for 120 EUR
- 6 sessions package à 60 minutes for 450 EUR or à 90 minutes for 680 EUR
– I also offer coaching in German, French and Italian.
– Additional rental costs may be added to the price depending on the location of indoor meetings.
– If you are highly motivated to have coaching and the prices above are a significant barrier contact me anyway to explore pricing options working with your financial possibilities.
Are you ready for the next step?
Book a free 30 minutes get to know call.
I’d love to hear from you.