I love to catalyse & inspire inner-outer transformations through workshops, retreats and strategic consulting. Have a look at a selection of projects I have done lately.
My partners "in crime"

scaling4good implements and develops projects and methodologies to scale impact of projects and services for the common good.

Pioneers of Change is community hosting events empowering people to unfold their personal potential and contribute to societal change.
Strategic Expertise
ZeroWaste Switzerland _ Competence development by Mercator Foundation
WITH WHOM: Mandate by the Mercator Foundation Switzerland for the ZeroWaste Switzerland Association
WHAT: as a scaling4good consultant I facilitated the team of Zero Waste Switzerland in clarifying their vision, impact-theory, positioning, roadmap, service & offering, financial model, organisational model, growth and fundraising strategy. I introduced methods & supported them applying them during online and offline workshops. The project was in French.
SO WHAT: A common problem of NGOs is the vicious cycle building along the lack of financial resources and dependences on short-term volunteers, which leads to high turnover, spread of knowledge, inability to develop as an organisation. Breaking this vicious cycle can be done by putting on hold operations and focussing on fundraising activities with the available capacity.
WHEN: April 2020 – August 2020
Climate-KIC _ scaling the impact of the 'Journey' summer school for changemakers
WITH WHOM: EIT Climate-KIC, EU main climate innovation initiative
WHAT: as a scaling4good consultant I develop with Climate-KIC’s team the impact scaling strategy and initiate the scaling process of the Journey, the largest summer school training international graduates across Europe in system innovation for climate action.
SO WHAT: Scaling impact often is a tradeoff between going “wide”, reaching many people relatively superficially, and going “deep”, reaching less people but in transformative ways. Clarifying the impact strategy of a project helps to focus available resources and set targets.
WHEN: September 2019 – April 2020
STRIDE _ field research about transformative systemic learning & innovation
WITH WHOM: STRIDE learning, the unSchool that empowers profound personal and societal transformation
WHAT: as a subcontractor I researched cutting edge transformational learning & innovation providers, did several interviews and managed the coordination of interviews for the client’s team.
SO WHAT: transformational learning happens through experiential and holistic approaches. Specialised know-how and formats developed by small players have a large impact potential when brought at scale.
WHEN: August-September 2019
WWF Germany _ applying behavioural sciences in the markets & business team
WITH WHOM: WWF Germany, Markets & Business team
WHAT: as a consultant I introduced key insights about behavioural sciences to the markets & business team, researched potential applications and facilitated learning sessions with the team.
SO WHAT: The mandate was implemented smoothly. My learning: NGOs have a large potential to increase their impact by applying more coherently behavioural science insights.
WHEN: June-August 2019
Talks & Workshops
Climate-KIC Journey _ Workshop on 'Finding your impact driven path'
WITH WHOM: Climate-KIC Journey & TU Berlin
WHAT: developed and facilitated a workshop for 40 international students attending Climate-KIC’s summer school on system innovation. The workshop was about ‘How to find your impact driven career path’.
SO WHAT: within the complexity of the climate crisis and the required transformations, gaining support to find the own impact-path is of great help and not yet done with sufficient depth.
WHEN: August 2019, Berlin
IKEM Energy & Climate Academy _ Speaker on 'Scaling impact & supporting behaviour change'
WITH WHOM: Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM)
WHAT: presentation for the summer school students about ‘Scaling impact & support behaviour change’.
SO WHAT: climate and energy engineers are highly interested in learning about social dynamics. Engaging actors and supporting behaviour change is often a bottle neck in their work.
WHEN: July 2019
Urban Future Global Conference _ Speaker on 'Mind games: Changing behaviour'
WITH WHOM: Urban Future Global Conference (UFGC)
WHAT: as a speaker of scaling4good I gave a presentation to city majors, urban developers and innovators during the ‘Mind games: Changing behaviour’ session about ‘How to become a behaviour change designer’.
SO WHAT: there was a lot of interest about behaviour change and as the room was overfilled we had to improvise and move in the cafeteria area.
WHEN/WHERE: May 2019, Oslo
Retreats & Facilitation
Mind*Heart*Earth Community_Retreat co-facilitation
WITH WHOM: With the newly founded Mind*Heart*Eart Community of Berlin
WHAT: I co-designed the prototype of a 3 days retreat providing space for people aware of the global environmental emergency to express despair and nurture hope. I facilitated an outdoor, nature based session and one introducing the impact of our mythology, the old and new story (based on Charles Eisenstein‘s work)
SO WHAT: As the emergence of the Fridays for the Future and Extinction Rebellion movements shows, there is increasing awareness about the severity of the crisis we are in. I belief that dealing with such a change of awareness should include emotional, cognitive and physical integration within a supportive group in order to catalyse growth and action.
WHEN: December 2019
Pioneers of Change _ Co-trainer at leadership training RISE!
WITH WHOM: Pioneers of Change, RISE team
WHAT: as a co-facilitator I accompanied the participants of the weeklong leadership training RISE! during intensive processes of personal development and collaborated with the trainer and co-trainer team to provide an ideal frame for the processes of the program.
SO WHAT: this was a very intensive experience I highly recommend to participate to. Let me know if you are interested for the next sessions in Austria or Germany.
WHEN: August 2019
Pioneers of Change _ Facilitate circle of regional hosts
WITH WHOM: Pioneers of Change, ‘Wandel Online Summit‘
WHAT: as a pioneers of change local coordinator I organised workshops and regular meetings for the local hosts of events about societal change. We practiced active, mindful listening and strengthen the local network of change makers.
SO WHAT: It was great to connect pioneers and strengthen the community locally
WHEN: February-July 2019
Mountain Retreat Vision in Nature_Initiator & co-facilitator
WITH WHOM: with Katrin Hauser, coach & sustainability expert
WHAT: together with Katrin we developed the content of the retreat, designed a an experience integrating mind, heart, body and nature for the participants, marketed the event, and successfully implemented it.
Have a look at our short movie & description of the retreat.
SO WHAT: developing and facilitating these type of events is something I love the most and look forwards to do more of it.
WHEN: September 2018
Interested in a collaboration? Contact me at majka (at) alifequest.com