Wild Coaching
I was impressed by Majka’s approach, very thoughtful, human and pragmatic. Her coaching allowed me to unlock some obstacles in various areas of my life, wether professional or personal. I would recommend Majka to anybody willing to make a leap forward in their life in a short amount of time.
Majka is a very friendly, respectful and open-minded professional. Her coaching was extremely helpful as I was facing different obstacles. With her I always felt that I can express myself freely. She helped me realise that I was already aware of the solutions to my problems and concerns: what I needed was someone to help me look at things from another perspective.
Majka excels at helping people become aware of their potential, and this is often the one thing that people need. I heartily recommend Majka’s coaching to every entrepreneurs, change and impact makers!
In her coaching, Majka is able to bring two things that in my opinion are fundamental for a coach: gentleness and strength. On one hand, Majka is extremely insightful: I always have the feeling that she can see me right through and understand me with all my contradictions, and on the other hand, once she understands where I am standing, she dares to ask the tough questions and bring me back on track.
I must admit that I was very sceptical about this ‘coaching’ thing… everyone seems to be a coach nowadays and I rather go for hardcore psychoanalysis. However, with Majka I focused more on my virtues and strengths, which I tend to overlook because I always want to be super critical. And this virtues and strengths give me the push I need to realise my passion.
Thanks to the support of Majka I wrote my first children novel! But I guess the most valuable thing I have learned with her is to position myself in the mental and emotional place from where I can change my life and the world around me. And that place is my heart. I guess her coaching helped me to be less afraid of who I am and to act from my heart.
Die Gespräche mit Majka haben mir geholfen, meine Ideen, Gefühle, Erfahrungen und Visionen zu sortieren und in ein harmonisches Gesamtbild zu setzen. Durch ihre einfühlsame und feine Art schafft es Majka, Personen mit unterschiedlichen Charakter abzuholen, auf sie einzugehen und sie individuell zu unterstützen. Majka hat mich mit ihrer motivierenden und energiespenden Art inspiriert und ermutigt, Dinge anzupacken.
I met Majka in 2011 after the idea of WeAct had emerged and have been following her path in different relationships ever since: from coach to colleague to mentor. She is one of these amazing individuals who is leading the transition process towards a sustainable society.
Majka – as an environmental scientist – does not only understand the interlinkages of ecosystems but also the human component. Through WeAct and the book “Designing for Behaviour Change” she has proven her expert knowledge that stems also from implementation. Her most important contribution is to have made it easily accessible to others – a skill only few possess.
Majka is a visionary and knows how to engage in processes of co-creation. She is a deep thinker and will not hesitate to question in a constructive way, thus always valuing the interpersonal part of an interaction. I cannot recommend working with her highly enough and will personally certainly continue to doing so in different constellations over the coming years.
I have known and admired Majka for her insight and talent for some years. More recently, she has become a strategic advisor to me. For instance, she has been helping me on a project I’m developing to engage youth to shape the future. Her insights have been extremely productive and allowed me enrich and broaden my initial idea.
She has been an invaluable strategic sounding board: She is a careful listener. Her engagement is productive and collaborative. Her impact-logic quickly helps her to challenge critical assumptions and sharpen them. Majka constructively adds ways to improve approaches, brings out-of-the-box ideas into the fore, always looking for win-win propositions. She is also very hands on and turns visionary and creative ideas into ideas into pathways with actionable next steps.
Majka is a force to be reckoned with. I cannot recommend Majka enough – as a strategic advisor for campaigns and engagement program, particularly for leaders looking for fresh, effective, practical and honest advice on how to sharpen their projects.
I observed Majka during 5 intense days of a group dynamic leadership training. As a trainer of group dynamics, I have to say: Majka has an obvious talent for perceiving and influencing group situations!
Majka’s book “A Changemakers Guide to Designing for Behaviour Change” is a well-designed thought model that provides a basis and is directly applicable to building strategies and solutions for my clients. I highly recommend this to professionals who want to drive real impact and change in their work and communities!
Majka’s book about designing for behaviour change is an insightful and practical guide on how to use design thinking methodologies for building products and services, that can bring about change. Aside from the process itself, the book also clearly illustrates the psychology behind what forms behaviours in humans and how one can go about changing them with effective examples.
As a user designer this book doesn’t only reinforces my knowledge and the methodologies I use in my day-to-day work, but it gives me a much deeper understanding on the impact my decisions potentially have. The book helped me to take a step back and question, what the actual intention is, behind the products/services I design and also evaluate the possible impact they could have on the behaviour of humans/society in the long run.